
A seasoned leader, adept at building and coaching teams, helping companies achieve business outcomes by design.
Picture of Juan and some of the Designers


I recently joined the team at Mews, where I serve as the VP of Design. We’re designing the hospitality system of the future — we’re hiring so please don’t be shy, apply!

Prior to that, I spent 9 years at Liferay, where I started as one of the first designers. I built a number of design teams, growing them into departments, and then a division.

Before that, historical records weren’t kept.

Sir, you’ve got some messages

This site was a parting gift from the team at Liferay.Design.

We wrote you some farewell messages.

Read Messages

Copy​right © 2022
Juan ​Hidalgo


Headlines are set in Almoneda, a typeface designed by Ales Santos in Madrid.

Body copy is set in Quattrocento Sans, a typeface designed by Pablo Impallari.

The site is powered by Next.js, styled using Theme UI, and hosted on Vercel.

Domain registered with porkbun.com.


Email juan@hidalgo.designLinkedIn /juanhidalgoreinaTwitter jhidalgoreina
Picture of Juan looking at something